Volume 13 - Issue# 03 - Year 2023

Artículo Original

Experience using a single ProGlide percutaneous closure...
Luis María García y cols.

Percutaneous transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has turned into the preferred option for patients who have a serious commitment of the aortic valve and a high or prohibitive surgical risk. Results have improved significantly due to advances in devices, techniques and operators´ skills since its first implant in humans in 2002. The implanting technique has evolved towards...

Artículo Original

T-and-protrusion technique (TAP) for coronary bifurcati...
Leonardo Danduch y cols.

Since the publication in 2016 of studies such as the SMART-STRATEGY1 or the EBC-TWO2 which support the use of a single stent (provisional stenting) like an initial strategy in angioplasties on bifurcations, the technique of two stents like culotte or double-kissing-crush only were reserved for less than 10% of these procedures, in which the secondary vessel was of great caliber, with complex ...

Opinión de experto

A personal perspective of the development of percutaneo...
Julio C Palmaz

The development of percutaneous coronary interventions has been heady and fascinating. However, any attempt at summarizing its history is fraught with risk of oversimplification and omission. Having had the opportunity to interact with pioneers who personally inspired me, makes me reflect about a pattern in the process involving novel ideas followed by systematic development. Having been born...

Artículo Especial

The denaturation of the medical consultation
Alendro O Palacios

The medical consultation is based on the dialogue between the patient and a trained medical professional. The patient’s participation must be stimulated and each comment, indication or study requested must be justified, as the indication is not an order but a qualified recommendation. Besides, it is institutionally ruled and in almost every occasion it is able to be legally suited. ...

Caso Clínico

Cutting-edge innovation. First case of TAVI in the regi...
Juan Mieres y cols.

Nowadays, innovation is a constant in our specialty, and certainly it is for the patients’ benefit, but it implies a great challenge of daily updating for the interventional cardiologist. All the main companies try to improve the performance of their devices constantly. In this particular case we present a patient where there was an extreme difficulty to go into the ventricle, we believ...

Caso Clínico

Tricuspid percutaneous valve replacement: Initial exper...
Luis María García y cols.

The severe tricuspid insufficiency (TI) is an entity associated to a high morbimortality. The available treatment has traditionally been scarce, limited to drugs, diuretics and surgery. The medical treatment is often not enough for this patients’ group, requiring each time highest diuretic doses, which in turn higher the percentage of renal insufficiency associated, and condition to a w...

Caso Clínico

Transcatheter Tricuspid Repair: A case report of the th...
Marcelo A Agüero y cols.

As it happens with other valvulopathies, the prevalence of the tricuspid regurgitation (TR) is increasing while aging. In its significant aspects, it produces signs and symptoms that affect the quality of life (fatigue, dyspnea, oedema), and disfunction of other organs due to congestion or as a result of low antegrade output. It also influences negatively in survival having been reported mort...

Carta del Presidente

Letter from the President of CACI
Martín Cisneros

I feel happy to be part of a new issue of our increasingly prestigious journal, RACI. Recently, at the Palacio San Martín, we held the 1st celebration on occasion of the International Day of the Interventional Cardiology, decreted by UN on September 2nd, 2022, due to an initiative of CACI and with the support of the Ministry of Health and the Directorate of International Organizations ...


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Colegio Argentino de Cardioangiólogos Intervencionistas
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Revista Argentina de Cardioangiologí­a Intervencionista | ISSN 2250-7531 | ISSN digital 2313-9307

La plataforma Meducatium es un proyecto editorial de Publicaciones Latinoamericanas S.R.L.
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